Saturday, March 28, 2009

Should I buy a dog?

My personal answer would be yes, but there are many thing that you should conside before taking a decision.

1. Are you ready for the responsibility?
As they say, a dog is man's best friend, they offer you companionship, friendship, loyalty and a continuous happiness. It's incredible to get home and see them waiting for your with their tail wagging 100 miles per hour, ready to give you unconditional love, but you have to consider that the also need your love and your attencion in orther for them to be happy too.

2. Do you have the time?
Depending on the bread they may need more or less attention, but the minimum is walking, feeding and playing time, and you need to consider if you don't have the extra time to give them it may be better to wait or to get another type of pet

3. Can you afford a dog?
Dog food may not be expensive but you have to consider that this is not the only thing you have to spend on. Dogs need to be groomed (the time and money involved in this depends on the breed), fed, have enough toys so he/she doesn't distroy your house, need visits to the vet and annual vaccines and any other expense that can come later. I would highly suggest to adopt your dog, there are many associations that only ask for a small donation; but if you are considering purchasing one instead then you should also add this as an expense.


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